Bleach : The Prepper’s Best Friend

    This is Rob Raskin of Las Vegas, and today I’d like to tell you more about why every survivalist, homesteader, and prepper needs to stock up on bleach. This is one of the most important things you’ll need to keep on-hand because it reduces harmful...

Are You Making These Common Prepper Mistakes?

Hello! Robert Raskin of Las Vegas back again, and today I’d like to discuss some common mistakes novice preppers make. Let’s face it, unless you were born into a homesteading family, chances are you were new to prepping and survivalism at some point. We all were, but...

How Far Would You Go to Survive an Animal Attack?

Hello all, Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here again, and I’m back with more incredible tales of survival for you. Co-existing with wildlife is a part of survivalism and homesteading, and anytime you are in undeveloped country you run the risk of coming in contact with a...