by hdon | Aug 9, 2016 | Preparation
Have you ever fantasized about dropping out of your current life and starting all over again with a new identity in a new location? Hundreds of thousands of people go missing in the US each year, and of these a small number are people who have vanished deliberately....
by hdon | Jul 26, 2016 | Preparation
An article in the Atlantic made the claim, “. . . when an economy goes full-on Mad Max and we’re all reduced to bartering, the survivors are going to be more interested in useful goods than in a soft metal useful mostly for ornamental purposes,” but how can we...
by hdon | Jun 28, 2016 | Preparation
It’s almost election time again, and we all know what that means: Many of us will once again vow to leave the country if the results don’t go the way we’d hoped. As elections continue to become more polarized and party differences grow more extreme, more Americans are...
by hdon | May 25, 2016 | Preparation
According to the New York Times, toddlers shot an average of one victim per week in 2015. At least 265 children under the age of 18—and many much younger than that—picked up a gun and shot another child in the United States last year, and many of these pointless...
by hdon | Mar 29, 2016 | Preparation
In the wake of school and public shootings, many people are demanding legislature geared toward real problem solving about the issue of gun control. The methods by which our country moves to heed this cry is up for debate, but there’s something to be said about how...
by hdon | Mar 22, 2016 | Preparation
Due to decades of neglect, our roads, bridges, power grid, and other elements of our infrastructure are crumbling. Regardless of political leaning, legions of politicians, business leaders, and even academics are all in agreement that such structures are nearly...