Survival Myths That Can Kill You

Do you think you have what it takes to survive off-grid, in the wild, or in a TEOTWAWKI situation? You may think you do, but if you believe any of the following dangerous survival myths you may be in for an unpleasant surprise. This is Robert Raskin of Las Vegas,...

How to Go Off-Grid

Hello everyone! Rob Raskin here again, and today I want to talk about going off the grid. As the saying goes, if you free your mind, the rest will follow, unless, that is, you are dependent on the government for basic necessities like water and electricity. We hear so...

Three Tips to Start Your Homestead

Hello, Robert Raskin of Las Vegas here, and today I’d like to share some tips with you about getting your homestead started. Homesteading and survivalism can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but life can get complicated, and I understand that not everyone is...

Eating Off the Grid

One thing that modern homesteaders, campers, and survivalists share in common is we’ve all got to eat. Whether you have had years to get your homestead together and you have a kitchen and a garden or you find yourself hungry while you are huddled under a tarp in the...

Your Well-Stocked Survivalist Medicine Cabinet

Hello, Rob Raskin here, and this week I’d like to talk about medications any prepper needs in their disaster kit. If the SHTF or in an TEOTWAWKI situation, you are going to end up getting sick. There’s just no way around it, especially when sanitation becomes an...

Essential First Aid for Survivalists

When it comes to first-aid, the needs of anyone who lives in the wild go far beyond the scope of your average sporting goods store kit. In the event that the worst should happen and someone has become sick or injured, you may be many miles away from the nearest ER or...