How to Choose Your Survival Team

I’m a big believer in strength in numbers, and in a SHTF situation you may very well be better off being part of a team. Just being a part of a team, however, is not enough, as not all teams are created equally. What is best for one, may spell doom for another. If and...

How To Build a Food Supply in a Hurry

Hello everyone! Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here again, and for today’s post I’m going to address those of you who may be new to prepping. Not everyone has been prepared for years, as I and so many others have. There has been increased interest in the topic of survivalism...

All About Fire Bricks

Hello everyone! Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here, and today I’d like to talk to you about fire bricks. What are fire bricks? This is a brick that is made from refractory materials that has many uses, including lining fireplaces, furnaces, and kilns. You can buy these at...

Essential Survival Skills for Kids

Hello everyone, Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here, and today I’d like to talk to you about survival skills every child should know. Parents know how terrifying it is to think of being in a TEOTWAWKI situation when there are children involved, but the truth is if there is...

Why You Should Have an Air Rifle

Hello everyone! Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here, and today I’d like to talk to you about air rifle prepping. If you think of Ralphie putting his eye out first when you think of air rifles, think again. This is an undervalued tool that any prepper should add to their...

Prepping for an EMP Attack

Hello everyone, Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here again, and today I’d like to discuss the threat of EMP attacks and what preppers can do about it. Kim Jong Un has not kept his word, and North Korea has threatened an EMP attack in the past. An EMP attack would devastate...