Archery for Survival

Hello fellow Survivors, Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here once again to take a look at ways to survive off-the-grid. Today we’ll be looking at bows and arrows, which can serve as excellent defense and hunting tools. While it may seem old-timey, learning how to hunt with a...
If You Had to Forage for Food, Would You Starve?

If You Had to Forage for Food, Would You Starve?

What did people do before there were grocery stores? When the SHTF, we’re all going to find out. Better be prepared!   Hello, this is Robert M Raskin of Las Vegas, and I’d like to help you prepare for any scenario in which you may find yourself in the...

Hydroponics for Survival

Hello again, Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here to talk about growing plants indoors. In any emergency situation, the ability to survive without relying on the outside economy can make all the difference between whether or not you survive or fail. Any event can disrupt...

Dowsing Works, Try It Yourself!

Hello, Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here, and today I’d like to talk to you about a controversial method of finding water in the wild. Whether you know them as Dowsing rods, dowsing sticks, or divining rods, chances are at some point you have heard about this phenomenon,...

Mylar for Survival with Rob Raskin

If you want to survive TEOTWAWKI, one of your best bets is to stock up on Mylar sheets! Hello everyone, Robert Raskin of Las Vegas here again, and today I’d like to talk about some uses for Mylar sheets, which I mentioned in a recent blog. These “space blankets” are...