Hello everyone! Rob Raskin of Las Vegas here again, and today I’d like to discuss an issue that will affect many of us in a SHTF situation even though you may not have considered it before, and that’s seniors. Do you have an elderly loved one? If TEOTWAWKI were to happen, of course you would want to do everything you can to care for beloved older family members. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to determine if you will be up to the task!

Are you in peak condition?

Now is the time to take stock of your own health, because you can’t take care of someone who is dependent if you don’t take care of yourself. Make sure you have the non-expired medicines and other health supplies you’ll need for yourself and your older family member—at least enough to last two months!

Are you going to be mobile?

Do you have batteries for your family member’s wheelchair? Do you have an extra walker? Can your wheelchair handle rough terrain? Do you have enough gas to get to safety (if you are lucky enough that there is still a place that is safe)? And yourself these questions now and not after it’s too late.

Do you know where FEMA and other shelters and services will be in your community?

If not, it’s time to find out, especially if your senior family member(s) has special health needs that require outside assistance. Knowing where these facilities would be ahead of time could mean the difference between life and death for someone who cannot survive the elements.

Are you being realistic about how much time you have?

Don’t wait until it’s too late to leave the area before it becomes a hazard. You don’t want to be the person who burned while they were trying to fight a forest fire with their hose when they could have been safely at a shelter miles away, and neither does your grandmother.

While I don’t need senior survival help myself yet (LOL), I hope you will find this advice helpful. Do you have anything to add to the discussion? Let me know I the comments!
